I just saw the article on the Arizona Republic's front page of their website about the Neilsons that were burned in the plane crash here it town. I know many people keep up with the blogs or have heard the story on the news or one of the TV shows who have done segments on this family. Lorri, my sister-in-law was friends with this family when they lived in New Jersey.
As I read this story my heart began to ache with happiness. listening to these sisters and their love for one another makes me miss my own sister, who has been gone for eight and a half years. When I hear them say that aside from their husband, they would want their sister by their side, I can relate. I remember sharing a bedroom with my sister, who was only fifteen months older than me. I remember playing dumb little games at night when we were supposed to be sleeping. I remember having heart to heart talks with each other.
I remember, often, her telling me to learn from her mistakes and take advantage of the lessons that she learned the hard way. She knew that she needed to make better choices and she wanted the best for me. I remember seeing her for the last time. She had a Mountain Dew and Cap'n Crunch for breakfast that morning.
I had gone to Utah to visit and had met her in West Valley to hang out for a while. I headed back to Eureka to stay one more night with my grandma. I was disappointed that I had come all the way from Arizona to visit and had not gotten to spend as much time with her as I wanted-how selfish I was.
I woke up the next morning to see her car parked in the driveway. She had come up to see me one last time. I was so happy, but not sure I made this as clear to her as she deserved. I suppose she wanted to see me again too. We had shared so much in life; happiness, pain and life's lessons.
I miss her lots and think of her more often than that. I know she would be a great aunt to my children-I know how she was as a sister. I feel her presence in my life still. Though I do not see her, I know she is there. When my babies smile and I can't see what is making them happy, I know it is her or their Nana that are taking precious moments away from angel work to connect with my children.
Speaking of Nana, I thought of the fun that my sister-in-laws had with their mom. When the article talks about the sisters and their mom laying on Stephanie's guest bed, teasing and hanging out, I think of Nana and her girls. I know from them, how sweet and loving she was.
I encourage anyone who loves someone to read the article found here http://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/2008/10/26/20081026sisters1026a1.html and cherish the special moments they shared with that person. While these people are gone, their are people still in your lives that need you just as much-or more. Make more memories with them and spread the love you have inside.