Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Nathan and I have been keeping a list of the cute things that the boys say. Here are just a few:

"My eyes are drowning"-Tracen. Translation=his eyes were watering, had a heck of a time figuring that one out.

"These shoes make me stink?"-Tracen. I had told him to get a different pair of shoes because he didn't want socks on and I didn't want his new shoes to get stinky. He came back to me with an old hand-me-down pair and said that. He is so funny!

"Spiderman is on the case"-Tracen He was outside in his Spiderman shirt and kept saying this over and over to himself while riding his bike.

Tracen calls our dog "Lady Rex Tanner"

Preston introduces the neighbor girl to my dad as "Natalie Tanner"

"I have to go poop and I don't have time"-Preston. Translation=I have diarreah!

"My bum bum hurts"-Tracen. Translation=I need to poop.

"I am never going potty in my bathroom again"-Preston. After someone stunk it up really badly.

The worst thing my kids say regularly, that is really pretty funny at times, "Crybaby, wah, wah, wah."

The sweetest thing they say regularly, "I love you more than that" after someone tells them they love them.


Tiffany said...

I wonder where they got crybaby,crybaby, from?? Wouldnt be my family would it???

Lesli said...

Soooo sweet! I love those kids!