Saturday, September 6, 2008

Nathan's 30!

Today is Nathan's birthday-30 years old! I know that the last few birthdays have been a little harder for him. Still being in school makes him feel like he is really behind. I just wanted to take a moment and tell him that he has so much to be proud of in his 30 years. He has two wonderful sons who adore their dad and always want to go with him. A beautiful baby girl who will have him wrapped around her finger before he knows it. And last but not least, a wife who loves him and doesn't tell him often enough how proud she is of him for going back to school to pursue a career that will make him happy. I know I do not tell him often enough how great he is to me or how good of a father he is. So today, I want to publicly tell him he is the most important man in my life and I look forward to the next 30 years.


Lesli said...

Kelci got blessed on your birthday yesterday, that had to be pretty special! I hope it was a great day!

Love Lorri said...

YOur just plain ole GREAT! ANd lucky for you I think being a teacher is even Fantastic!
love ya