Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Plan?

So I have learned that plans do not go as planned. When Nathan and I came down to the valley for an interview for Nathan back in January-we thought that he would work and I would be staying home with the kids. I told him that I would pick up something to help us get out of debt and back on our feet. When we found out that he would have to wait a few weeks for the position to open-or so we though-we decided that I would take a little job to help until his job came through.

Lesli suggested that I go back to the restaurant business and serve. I didn't think that I would like that. Nathan asked me why I didn't want to and I gave him a long list. He told me many of my concerns would not be the case if I worked for a chain. So before we got back to AJ from Gilbert I decided that I would apply at Red Lobster, since 15% is 15% so the more expensive the restaurant, the more I would make. The third Red Lobster I called told me to come that day and bring my resume. I did and before I got back to AJ from Alma School and the US60, they had called to see if I would come back for testing and an nterview the next day. One week after walking into Red Lobster I started working there.

I found out that they were opening more locations throughout the year and there would be management opportunities in Tuscon. I was excited since my mom and the kids are moving there in July. The locations in Tuscon open in July as well. After talking to my managers I found out that as soon as I made Captain, which is sort of like a head server, I could apply for management. I made Captain on April 1st, not even two months after working there. One week later-to the day-I had my first interview for a management spot in Tuscon. I have my second interview tomorrow and hopefully will be starting the 13 week training program shortly after that. So Tuscon looks like it may be our new home-about the same time as it becomes so for my little brother and sisters.

I feel very blessed with this opportunity. I love my company and the nature of my job. I love that everyday is different and that I can move around within the restaurant doing everything from production to serving. I love the fast-paced people environment. Some days are more challenging than others, but never dull. The best part about this opportunity is that I will be making somewhere in the ballpark of 45-50 thousand. That is a big financial step for our family.

I graduate on May 16th with my AA from Northland Pioneer College and am very excited for this as well. I plan on starting my BA in July, as soon as the financial aid year starts again. This was not at all what our plan was for our family, but I think the Lord knew better than we did since Nathan wouldn't be able to get a teaching job any time in the near future here in AZ with the cuts happening now. He will continue school while being home with the kids. Not at all what we planned, but what we feel is right for our family. He is great with the kids and I am great in the corporate world-I don't think the Lord cares who does what as long as we live righteously and raise our children to be the same. I can testify that the Lord provides a way for us so long as we are willing to accept that His plan may not be our plan.


Jaime said...

That is awesome Terra! CONGRATS!! What a testimony that the Lord does always have a plan for us and usually it's for the better!

Rick*Amber*Taryn*Bryant said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for your family! You two are truly examples to me of how to have faith and trust what the Lord has planned for us! I really, really hope everything works out in Tuscon! My cousin and his family have lived there for about 15 years and love it! Good luck! I can't wait to hear updates!

Katie said...

What a great job opportunity for you. Nathan, I hope you have dinner ready for her when she gets home every day so she can spend as much time with the kiddos as possible.

The Tanners said...

No matter who has the job in this marriage, I am always the one that has had dinner ready, and I have always enjoyed it.


The Tanners said...

That is true-I hate cooking the meals. Thanks for always ironing my uniforms for me too!